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If you want to change things, you have to measure them

Integrity testing

HLD700 automatic: integrity testing for plate and tubular heat exchangers to guarantee highest standards of hygiene

Water Hammer Measurement

Automated pressure test with multiple fields of application

Pulsation damper

resom PSD pulsation damper: The patented new method to minimize pressure surges

Relying on experience and know-how, driven by innovation


Companies in the food and beverage or pharmaceutical industry face particularly tough challenges when it comes to hygiene standards, product purity and highly sensible devices. Practical solutions with high levels of functionality and real added value are often lacking, however. Since its founding in 2003, resom has focussed on this special problem. Our objective is to develop tailor-made technologies and services that precisely meet the customers' requirements and to implement individual solutions. Thus, we created our automated integrity testing device HLD700 automatic or the pulsation damper PSD – an in-house development – which are successfully used by renowned international industry representatives.